Dear Friends,
It’s been too long since I’ve written, and I acknowledge that the sporadic publishing of “News & Views” contradicts what I tell my clients about the importance of consistency and repetition to the effectiveness of email marketing. Though no excuse, I’ve always made my clients top priority, and they’ve had my undivided attention this spring, leaving me little time for my own newsletter! This is clearly a case of “Do as I say, not as I do!”
How do I explain this surge in demand for CM Communications’ marketing counsel and services? It’s a combination of factors. As reported by the Boston Globe and National Restaurant Association, there’s an economic upswing in the travel and hospitality industry. Businesses are finally recognizing that a professional marketing effort is critical to building brands and driving revenue; especially coming out of a recession. And, last but not least, the word is out that we offer affordable marketing solutions that bring measurable results!
As a full-service marketing and public relations agency, we’re not advocates of any one method. While PR firms do PR, advertising agencies advertise, and design firms design - we take an objective look at all opportunities and draft an integrated marketing strategy using multiple mediums. It’s the optimal marketing mix we offer – these days most often a combination of traditional and digital PR, email marketing and online tactics, including social media.
So, let’s all agree to make time for marketing and take advantage of the many ways we can reach out to current and prospective clients and customers. By doing so, we’ll capitalize on the economic turnaround that’s forecasted, and if things don’t pick up as quickly as we’d like, we can rest assured that our efforts will pay off over the long term.
Enjoy the summer, without forgetting to plan for fall, and know that I’ll come off the beach to talk to anyone who’s looking for advice on how to build their business!
Happy Summer Solstice!
